Clay, NY

Historically Clay, NY has not been considered a primary market by most real estate investors, despite co-tenancy in the main retail corridors. While there is some density to this market, the consensus was that future growth and opportunity would be scarce.

We took an analytical look at the market and realized there was a potential for growth for commercial real estate. Streamline developed a strategy based on our expertise, intuition and most importantly our relationships. We shared our vision and our development approach with potential retailers.

Suiting their financial and site requirements, we were able to gather the interest of WellNow, Texas Roadhouse, Starbucks, Five Guys and America’s Best.  Our tenants are enjoying tremendous success in the market of Clay, NY.  They are achieving above average sales compared to units in more sought-after markets.  Our investors and partners have also shared in above average returns for this asset. 




Winton & Blossom Road